Zimiamvian Night - Zimiamvian Night 3 2xCD (Infraction)

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Zimiamvian Night - Zimiamvian Night 3 2xCD (Infraction)


The recording was dead. A lifeless piece of audio "lost" (filed) on a dusty hard drive and purposely dropped under a nameless 'untitled' folder. The men and women of the Zimiamvian Night collective were content to move on, record more pieces, capture other lights, and bathe in distant ambiences far, far away.

The Wolf (indeed his real name) caught word of this abandoned audio and offered to inject some life, and perhaps revive what was left behind. After careful listening, tape splicing (uploading) and pain staking attention to the neverending, everlasting drone notes, blowing wind and dappled environmental samples - a new recording emerged and is now presented here. Alive and well.

Zimiamvian Night 3 is the collection over 2 discs of the before, after and in-between. It is meant to document this transition and serves as a reference point to the story that spans years, the accidental audio diary passively collected on tape and the mysterious end result.

Double CD set. 1st CD available via digital stream, download and digital consumption. 2nd CD available only through the physical product, no download. Keep the physical medium alive - thank you.

credits :

Design by Timothy O’Donnell

INFX 054

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Somewhere along the lines I missed out on the second release by Mike Bennett's project 

Zimiamvian Night, which was released in 2007. The first one I did hear and was reviewed in 

Vital Weekly 462. So much time has passed for this project from the member of Carnival Of Souls. 

Now there is a lovely designed double CD reminding me of a 4AD package and if I understand 

well the first disc is something that is also available online and the second disc is just available 

as a physical object, which is a good thing, supporting the physical objects. Oddly, perhaps, 

enough the first CD is quite short, being twenty seven minutes and two pieces based around 

piano improvisations by Jason Bryant, the head of Infraction, along with Bennett's blend

of field recordings from airport, flights, McKinley Monument, the Connequot State Park and "various 

noises" and "additional sounds, remix, editing and mastering by Wolf". It results in some very non 

dynamic music, of some far away piano sounds and a multitude of layers of recordings in large 

empty spaces and in the second piece just outside, wide open fields of cars passing. 

    The second disc also has two pieces and these last eighty minutes; there is some value for 

your physical money! I could see both of these tracks as extended versions of 'The Murmer Of 

Fountain', the long piece from the first disc. In both of the pieces the piano improvisations play 

some role. Imagine a piano in an airport space (or a railway station; common feature in various 

stations in the Netherlands these days), with someone strumming a bit of notes without much 

coherency, yet also without pause and a microphone picking this up at quite some distance, but 

then obviously also picking up whatever else goes on in this space. Obscured traffic noises 

mostly, a rare bird and all of this receives a mild electronic treatment, but none of this gets to the 

foreground. It all stays far away and only if you open the volume a bit more, you will notice a bit 

more detail. Play this in a lower volume and it will remain pure ambient music; music from a space 

for another space. The non-linear approach worked quite nicely, and also the duration worked 

quite well. This is not something to be trimmed down to a few minutes; or twenty. It is best

with a super long duration, during which the listener can engage in whatever he feels works best; 

reading, sleeping, check social media, the kind of stuff that may not require a lot of attention. Or 

simply just sit back and do nothing, longing for a holiday with all of these airport sounds. Excellent 

stuff all around. I was reminded of Ora; just so you know, in case you were looking for a reference. 
